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Distance Learning Program (DLP) - दूरस्थशिक्षणम्

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Adult Track (प्रौढपाठशाला) 

The foundation for the adult track is through four levels of courses that are designed using English as a medium of instruction in the early stages.  These four levels could lead to certifications.   While the material is prepared as a self-study course, many opt for our Tutorial Classes, where we provide a structured classroom setting to learn the same.  Successful students (self-study or through tutorial classes) would gain enough knowledge to continue to Advanced Classes that we conduct in various shAstra-s, where the medium of instruction is Samskritam.   

1.  BASIC (Self-Study / Tutorials)  - See information below

2. ADVANCED - Click here

 The Basic 4 Levels are:  Praveśaḥ        Paricayaḥ         śikṣā        Kovidaḥ 

These levels are designed to make a gradual progression from basic language skills to becoming a fluent speaker.  Supervised examinations are also conducted for each level, twice a year and students can receive a certificate of proficiency when they pass the exam.  

TUTORIAL CLASSES - While it is possible for students to prepare for the exams through Self-Study,  DLP conducts tutorial classes for each level that help prepare a student for the exams.  The tutorial classes provide a structured classroom environment.  It is of-course, the responsibility of the students to follow through with the exercises and prepare for the exam.   The medium of instruction is initially English, surely and steadily switching to Samskritam, in a way that students who attend regularly will be able to keep pace with. 

For those who need a strong foundation on the basics of Samskritam before attending the Pravesha level class, DLP Tutorial offers a 4 week “bhUmikA” class every other month (Sep, Nov, Jan, Mar, May, Jul)

The following figure depicts the schedule for adult DLP Tutorial classes at a glance. They enable students to take exams immediately following the classes. (Dec-Apr classes are for taking exams in May.   Jun-Oct classes are for taking exams in November).   Some students, however, may choose to take the exams when they feel they are ready. 

The following figure depicts schedule the at a glance. Here are some useful links

Adult Tutorial Syllabus                       Detailed Schedule & Fee                                          Registration Form  

  General information about the classes is provided below:


For Pravesha, there is no prerequisite.

For all other levels, knowledge at the prior level is expected at the start of the classes

Medium of Instruction The medium of instruction in the early stages is English, gradually moving towards Samskritam as the  levels progress
Number of Levels Four - Pravesha, Parichaya, Shiskha, and Kovida.
Duration of each Level

Six months on average, with students spending at least 15 minutes per day practicing the lessons and exercises. 

Level 1 (pravesha) may take longer than 6 months for those who start the course without prior Devanagari script knowledge

Number of Lessons per Level 12 (each lesson in one booklet) + Text in downloadable MP3 audio
Minumum Exam Passing Score 60% for each level


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